Earl J. Waggadore[1] - Custodian There comes a point in your life when you may be forced to endure both zits AND wrinkles. This seems patently unfair in our quest to survive in this world, but it does render a certain amount of
humility in the process. Just when you think that you might be all grown up, you face the prospect of having OLD teenage skin that is both oily and wrinkled. Clearly the gods must have a sense of humour and a desire to keep us humble.
Remember that big date in high school when you were so excited to take out the new girl? The hormones were practically racing through your veins, which might explain why that large zit formed on the end of your nose the day before. There was no way around it! LARGE, RED AND RIPE! You dare not touch it for making it worse. What could you do but grin and bear it and hope that the new lady had a sense of humour and liked you for something other than your looks[1]. You consider using your Mum's makeup to cover it up, but NO! That would not be manly! You practically go cross-eyed looking at it in the mirror. Dare you postpone your date? NO. It took all the gumption you could muster to call her the first time. And this was long before cell phones. With only a single phone in the house, every call was on a "party line" broadcasting to the family and everyone else in earshot.
So off you go, trying to look as grown up as possible but struggling with your own emerging self-image that’s been desecrated by the bulbous anomaly perched on the end of your schnoz! Perhaps she won't notice as you dazzle her with your snazzy new platform shoes and bellbottom pants. Anything to distract her! She glances briefly at your proboscis when you go to her home for the pickup. Her Dad gives you a strange look as you shake his hand at the door. However, soon it becomes apparent that it wasn’t as important as you thought. You get so caught up in the moment that the zit is soon forgotten. Perhaps our quest for life outshines our pubescent vanity.
Don’t get me started on the joy of “barnacles.” These strange growths that manifest in various embarrassing places that constantly challenge our quest for “smoothness” - that irresistible urge to pick at our bodies, to remove the offending bump. It started with the zits when we were pubescent and public-shy and continues in our later years as we watch our bodies atrophy and age. The only saving grace is that with our diminishing eyesight - without our reading glasses - we can’t see the bumps and blemishes anymore. The mirror no longer laughs in our face.
The genesis for this publication emerged out of the idea that as we grow older, the more we struggle to grow up. How did it happen so fast? We were just starting to get used to our gangly appendages and pimply faces (creeping toward achieving "grownup" status), and then bang, we're OLD! We had this foggy idea of what it meant to be a mature grown adult. Blink once and the wrinkles are out in force. Sure, you can Faceapp them away and produce a digital makeover, or create an avatar[2], but you still have to face reality eventually. The body ages but our self-concept is locked in, frozen at a time when we were much younger. The good news is that a recent study indicates that acne may provide "...a major protective factor against skin aging."[3] Who'd of thunk it! Our zits may keep us young! Or, at least, remind us of all the fun we had in our youth with our blotchy red skin!
So here we are with Zits & Wrinkles (Z&W). Our aim is to undercover the many facets of this growing-old-schtick that might be interesting and entertaining - to laugh at ourselves a bit and make the journey more pleasant. We'll seek out various vantage points from contributors who have some unique perspectives to offer. They'll make us think, chuckle and, perhaps, distract us from the pains that go with the aging process.
Our Chief Illustorator at Z&W is the Homo Sookian(HS)[1]. A retired art teacher who makes his home in Sooke, B.C., HS has a unique and refreshing perspective on the world that brings joy and laughter to his friends and family alike. Through his creative lens, he will help us to see the world in other ways with his wisdom on Love & Life. His first contribution follows in a piece called: „Wrinkles Can Change Minds“. It’s very timely for those debating the merits of taking the Covid-19 vaccination. His art and illustrations will be featured in upcoming editions of Z&W.
The Editrix[1] , chief editor and voice of reason, will be riding herd on this creative hot mess with her sharp eye and digital cat o’ nine
tails. Given her day job as a professional editor, we are fortunate to have her on board and we are counting on her to keep our stories crisp, clear and grammatically coherent. Still patiently waiting for her first wrinkle, The Editrix brings youth and vitality to the team and some feminine balance and decorum to the Z&W locker room. It’s still early days at Z&W but already the rumours are swirling that she may be sleeping with the Custodian!😜
Rudolph Winchester[1], Creative Consultant/Sounding Board.
An ever-ready foil for the team, Rudolph brings insight and experience to the Z&W editorial board. His quick wit and sardonic view of the world will help to spice up the commentary. His repartee with his Onkel, the Homo Sookian, is always a delight to behold. A Calgarian with a keen business mind, who longs to join the team on the Left Coast, Rudolph has been known to dabble in the island arts!
Welcome to Zits & Wrinkles!
We hope you enjoy the first edition. Your feedback is encouraged and we invite your input on future story ideas! Click here to send us a message.🙏🌞
[1] You guessed it, these are nom de plumes to allow some literary laissez-fare!😜
[2] As Red Green says: “If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.” [3] Avatar – more on this in a future issue!👹 [4] Acne and Aging: New Breakthrough Study Says Zits Could Be a Good Thing, BY HANNAH MORRILL October 4, 2016